
1972 DSRI (Distribution Systems Research Institute) established.
1973 Supply chain information network models developed.
"Distribution and Systems Review" launched
1974 Uniform trade codes studied for each business category.
1975 Capacity building courses on Distribution systems started for both managers and system engineers
1977 Study Group for Supply Chain Information Systems established.
GS1 Japan established (Previous name: DCC Japan).
Allocation of common supplier codes started.
1978 Joined EAN International.
EAN/UPC Symbol became Japanese Industry Standard
Allocation of GS1 Company Prefix started.
1979 First POS pilot conducted at a supermarket in Tokyo.
1980 Japanese communication protocol for retail industry established.
POS pilots conducted at AEON, Nada Coop.
1981 POS pilot conducted at a voluntary chain (SME).
1982 "DCC Japan Newsletter" published. 7-11 Japan (convenience store) introduced POS.
1983 Low-interest financing for POS introduction provided to small and medium retailers by government.
1984 Study Group for Information System in Food, Beverage, and Alcohol Industry established.
Study Group for ICT-Oriented Wholesale Industry established.
1985 Ryutsu POS Database Service (RDS) Project started.
JICFS (Jan Item Code File Service) Project started.
1986 Ito-Yokado (GMS) introduced POS.
Sporting Goods Information System Study Group established.
1987 Barcoding in magazine Industry started.
ITF symbol become Japan Industrial Standard.
Utility bills collection service system using multiple EAN-13 symbols established.
1988 Standard EOS system using GTIN-13 established.
EAN International General Assembly held in Tokyo.
UPC Company Prefix application service started.
1989 Consumption tax introduced.
Research and pilots of POS for small retailers located in shopping street
1990 Barcoding in Book Industry.
1991 Multi-functional cards for regional shopping streets developed.
Daiei (GMS) adopts EAN codes for all products.
1993 Heiwado (supermarket in Western Japan) adopts ITF.
1994 SCM (Shipping Carton Marking) /ASN (Advance Shipping Notice) with GS1-128 used for SCM label system guideline published.
1995 In addition to GS1 Prefix "49", allocation of GS1 Company Prefix starting with "45" started.
1996 Study for computerization of trade for perishables started.
1996 Open Business Network (OBN) system developed.
Code-128 symbol become Japanese Industrial Standard.
1997 CRP (continuous replenishment program) tested at Heiwado.
Japanese version of EANCOM established.
1999 Study and Pilot for Supply Chain Promotion for Efficient and Effective Distribution System
Allocation of GLN started
2001 9-digit GS1 Company Prefix introduced.
2002 EAN International's Asia Pacific Regional Meeting held in Tokyo.
2003 GEPIR operation started.
EPCglobal subscription started.
Japanese Industry Standard for GS1 Application Identifier established.
2004 RFID tags for ladies' shoes used at Mitsukoshi Department Store.
2005 Guidelines for Barcoding Pharmaceuticals with GS1 standard published.
Promotion of GTIN started
2006 GTIN adopted for online sales of music products.
EPCglobal Board of Governors Meeting held in Tokyo.
2007 Ryutsu BMS (Japanese XML-EDI Message Standards) published.
GS1 Mobile Conference held in Tokyo
GS1 DataBar Study Group launched.
2008 GS1 Healthcare conference held in Tokyo.
Internet shopping company utilizes JICFS/IFDB.
2009 Supply Chain Standard Management & Promotion Council established.
GS1 Healthcare Japan established.
2010 Pilot for utilization of GS1 Data Bar in supermarkets
Mobile Day Seminar held in Tokyo
2011 Mobile Dayevent held in Tokyo
2012 GS1 Advisory Council Meeting held in Tokyo
2013 GS1 Japan celebrates GS1 40th anniversary
GS1 B2C mobile and omni channel Seminar held in Tokyo
2014 GS1 Healthcare Japan UDI and medicinal drug traceability Seminar held in Tokyo
2015 GS1 Japan Partners was established
2017 Published Source Marking Guideline for Raw Materials
Hosted GS1 Asia Pacific Regional Forum in Tokyo
2018 'GS1 Japan Scan' app distribution has started.
2019 'GS1 Japan Data Bank -Product-' launched.
2020 'GS1 AIDC standards conformity check guide' has published.
Moves office to Minami-Aoyama.
Renewed 'RYUKAI Centre News' design and changed the name to 'GS1 Japan News'.
Renewed 'Distribution & System' design and changed the name to 'GS1 Japan Review'.
'GS1 QR Code/GS1-128 Barcode Guidelines for Carton Cases' has published.
2021 'GJDB × scan' app distribution has started.
'10-digit GCP' allocation has started.
'GCP one-year-renewal' system has started.
'Tenbun Navi' app distribution has started.
2024 'GS1 Japan Data Bank -Party and Location-' launched.